I got a message from a long-time client saying she slipped and fell outside and fractured her wrist. She's lucky she didn't need surgery this time, as she had similar falls twice before that resulted in fractures and DID require surgery, due to osteoporosis. Because she lives independently, she is now having to adjust her daily routine as things take a little longer, even with her non-dominant arm being affected. Lifting, carrying, cooking, and dressing are all more difficult.
Another client told me she was sitting on a folding chair without arms while doing some crafting projects later one evening. "I fell asleep and fell right out of my chair!" Thank goodness she did not injure herself. She also has osteoporosis and lives alone. Although this type of fall incident is very rare, a fracture would have really impacted her life.
I'm on the other side of 50 now, and I don’t want to be one of the one in four adults (14 MILLION OF US SENIORS), falling every year. About 37% of those who fall reported an injury that required medical treatment or restricted their activity for at least one day. Surgery comes with it's own long list of unwanted complications (including death!!). If you’re like me, you want to do everything you can to NOT join this club and maintain your independence for as long as possible.
Here are some things I do as I am reaching the later years of my life:
1) I use Yak Tracks on my shoes in the winter when I'm walking on slippery surfaces. They fasten onto any shoe or boot and really help to grip the ground with their metal spikes. They saved me from falling many times when out walking with our former doggy in the winter.
2) I walk every day for at least 20 minutes. This can reduce stress, boost your immunity, maintain strength, and build bone with the weight bearing activity.
3) I perform my "Treat Yourself Well" exercise regularly to prevent the rounded, forward flexed posture of a little old lady, and practice simple balance & stability challenges several times weekly. This helps to prevent the spinal compression fractures that often occur with osteoporosis.
This last thing is REALLY IMPORTANT. Whether you have Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, or just want to prevent those issues, you can work with me to learn where your body is weak and how that is affecting your balance and your ability to avoid or survive a fall. I’ve helped some people with weak buttock muscles. With others, I’ve worked to correct foot issues. Other clients need assistance with getting their deep core muscles to activate and get stronger to support their ability to move around in bed, get up from a chair, and walk with more stability.
Here’s what some of my current clients say:
"I was able to stand up so much taller after my session with Emily!"
"My husband noticed I'm able to walk further before I need to sit down and rest."
"My friend asked me what I've been doing to walk so well, as she has trouble keeping up with me now!"
Join my “NO FRACTURE CLUB” today.
I have a few slots open in March for a 2025 Balance Assessment (just $79 for people on my list, $120 for everyone else). In this 30 minute session you’ll do a series of Functional Balance Tests to assess your risk of a fall. You’ll get 3 customized exercises to keep you stable and prevent fractures if you do fall. And, as a bonus, you’ll get a free pass to my Balance & Stability Class at the Brookfield WAC. And, I’ll put you on the list to get a free copy of my new book “The MAGIC of a Well Balanced Life” (Coming out on May 1). Don’t wait. We might have a few more weeks of slippery ice and snow covered driveways, steps and sidewalks. You need to protect yourself. Email ( or call (414-405-3956) today!
Dedicated to your stability,